Saturday, August 18, 2007

Introducing The Underground Poetry Brigade

A Brigade is a group of individuals organized for a particular purpose: a fire brigade; a rescue brigade, or... a Poetry Brigade. And what would be the purpose of the Underground Poetry Brigade? To spread poetry, of course! and Why underground? Because the heart needs secrets, specially joyful ones.

How will this work?
I have been a one woman poetry embassador for 2 years and in that time have met many wonderful people, probably made some of those peoples days and most likely added to the some poundage to the landfill! I started simply by printing out a poem I loved and giving it out at a meeting I attended at a bookstore. After the meeting I had a bunch of printouts left over so I mentioned it at the coffee group after the meeting. "Lets give them out!" I said and suddenly we were out in front of the store minstering our poetic message to the public at large. Some people scowled and others laughed, one guy even hugged me. Hummmm, Idea! I went home and printed out some more. I have traveled quite a bit lately and given the poetry-surprises out as well as putting them on cars in parking lots, slipping them into books, putting them on tables at eateries and otherwise sneaking them out into the world.

BUT I am only one person and now more than ever the whole world needs some poetry. So I am inviting you to join me where-ever you are on this luminious earth! I will provide a pdf of three poems in English every now and then with a space for you to add your own in the 4th space. Remember to always give credit to the poet and never put your info on the sheets. Once you have added your poem, print them off at a copy shop and cut them along the lines. Then distribute them! Do not force poetry on people or litter it around where you know it will not be appreciated! Rather, send it out with attention to getting it into the perfect hands and under the perfect eyes!

TO download please visit this link and download as a pdf.

Please let me know of your adventures! Send me pix of your poetry in unusual places and I will post them on the blog. (please use common sense when uploading as I will not publish anything that is in anyway disgusting to anyone)

Be Creative and Enjoy! Isabella

I have a new email address!

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